Source code for polarimetry.amplitude.angles
from __future__ import annotations
import sympy as sp
from ampform.kinematics.phasespace import Kallen
[docs]def formulate_scattering_angle(
state_id: int, sibling_id: int
) -> tuple[sp.Symbol, sp.acos]:
r"""Formulate the scattering angle in the rest frame of the resonance.
Compute the :math:`\theta_{ij}` scattering angle as formulated in `Eq (A1) in the
DPD paper <>`_.
The angle is that between particle :math:`i` and spectator particle :math:`k` in the
rest frame of the isobar resonance :math:`(ij)`.
if not {state_id, sibling_id} <= {1, 2, 3}:
raise ValueError(f"Child IDs need to be one of 1, 2, 3")
# pyright: reportUnnecessaryContains=false
if {state_id, sibling_id} in {(2, 1), (3, 2), (1, 3)}:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Cannot compute scattering angle θ{state_id}{sibling_id}"
if state_id == sibling_id:
raise ValueError(f"IDs of the decay products cannot be equal: {state_id}")
symbol = sp.Symbol(Rf"theta_{state_id}{sibling_id}", real=True)
spectator_id = next(iter({1, 2, 3} - {state_id, sibling_id}))
m0 = sp.Symbol(f"m0", nonnegative=True)
mi = sp.Symbol(f"m{state_id}", nonnegative=True)
mj = sp.Symbol(f"m{sibling_id}", nonnegative=True)
mk = sp.Symbol(f"m{spectator_id}", nonnegative=True)
σj = sp.Symbol(f"sigma{sibling_id}", nonnegative=True)
σk = sp.Symbol(f"sigma{spectator_id}", nonnegative=True)
theta = sp.acos(
2 * σk * (σj - mk**2 - mi**2)
- (σk + mi**2 - mj**2) * (m0**2 - σk - mk**2)
/ (
sp.sqrt(Kallen(m0**2, mk**2, σk))
* sp.sqrt(Kallen(σk, mi**2, mj**2))
return symbol, theta
[docs]def formulate_theta_hat_angle(
isobar_id: int, aligned_subsystem: int
) -> tuple[sp.Symbol, sp.acos]:
r"""Formulate an expression for :math:`\hat\theta_{i(j)}`."""
allowed_ids = {1, 2, 3}
if not {isobar_id, aligned_subsystem} <= allowed_ids:
raise ValueError(
f"Child IDs need to be one of {', '.join(map(str, allowed_ids))}"
symbol = sp.Symbol(Rf"\hat\theta_{isobar_id}({aligned_subsystem})", real=True)
if isobar_id == aligned_subsystem:
return symbol, sp.S.Zero
if (isobar_id, aligned_subsystem) in {(3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)}:
remaining_id = next(iter(allowed_ids - {isobar_id, aligned_subsystem}))
m0 = sp.Symbol(f"m0", nonnegative=True)
mi = sp.Symbol(f"m{isobar_id}", nonnegative=True)
mj = sp.Symbol(f"m{aligned_subsystem}", nonnegative=True)
σi = sp.Symbol(f"sigma{isobar_id}", nonnegative=True)
σj = sp.Symbol(f"sigma{aligned_subsystem}", nonnegative=True)
σk = sp.Symbol(f"sigma{remaining_id}", nonnegative=True)
theta = sp.acos(
(m0**2 + mi**2 - σi) * (m0**2 + mj**2 - σj)
- 2 * m0**2 * (σk - mi**2 - mj**2)
/ (
sp.sqrt(Kallen(m0**2, mj**2, σj))
* sp.sqrt(Kallen(m0**2, σi, mi**2))
return symbol, theta
_, theta = formulate_theta_hat_angle(aligned_subsystem, isobar_id)
return symbol, -theta
[docs]def formulate_zeta_angle(
rotated_state: int,
aligned_subsystem: int,
reference_subsystem: int,
) -> tuple[sp.Symbol, sp.acos]:
r"""Formulate an expression for the alignment angle :math:`\zeta^i_{j(k)}`."""
zeta_symbol = sp.Symbol(
if rotated_state == 0:
_, theta = formulate_theta_hat_angle(aligned_subsystem, reference_subsystem)
return zeta_symbol, theta
if reference_subsystem == 0:
_, zeta = formulate_zeta_angle(rotated_state, aligned_subsystem, rotated_state)
return zeta_symbol, zeta
if aligned_subsystem == reference_subsystem:
return zeta_symbol, sp.S.Zero
m0, m1, m2, m3 = sp.symbols("m:4", nonnegative=True)
σ1, σ2, σ3 = sp.symbols("sigma1:4", nonnegative=True)
if (rotated_state, aligned_subsystem, reference_subsystem) == (1, 1, 3):
cos_zeta_expr = (
2 * m1**2 * (σ2 - m0**2 - m2**2)
+ (m0**2 + m1**2 - σ1) * (σ3 - m1**2 - m2**2)
) / (
sp.sqrt(Kallen(m0**2, m1**2, σ1))
* sp.sqrt(Kallen(σ3, m1**2, m2**2))
return zeta_symbol, sp.acos(cos_zeta_expr)
if (rotated_state, aligned_subsystem, reference_subsystem) == (1, 2, 1):
cos_zeta_expr = (
2 * m1**2 * (σ3 - m0**2 - m3**2)
+ (m0**2 + m1**2 - σ1) * (σ2 - m1**2 - m3**2)
) / (
sp.sqrt(Kallen(m0**2, m1**2, σ1))
* sp.sqrt(Kallen(σ2, m1**2, m3**2))
return zeta_symbol, sp.acos(cos_zeta_expr)
if (rotated_state, aligned_subsystem, reference_subsystem) == (2, 2, 1):
cos_zeta_expr = (
2 * m2**2 * (σ3 - m0**2 - m3**2)
+ (m0**2 + m2**2 - σ2) * (σ1 - m2**2 - m3**2)
) / (
sp.sqrt(Kallen(m0**2, m2**2, σ2))
* sp.sqrt(Kallen(σ1, m2**2, m3**2))
return zeta_symbol, sp.acos(cos_zeta_expr)
if (rotated_state, aligned_subsystem, reference_subsystem) == (2, 3, 2):
cos_zeta_expr = (
2 * m2**2 * (σ1 - m0**2 - m1**2)
+ (m0**2 + m2**2 - σ2) * (σ3 - m2**2 - m1**2)
) / (
sp.sqrt(Kallen(m0**2, m2**2, σ2))
* sp.sqrt(Kallen(σ3, m2**2, m1**2))
return zeta_symbol, sp.acos(cos_zeta_expr)
if (rotated_state, aligned_subsystem, reference_subsystem) == (3, 3, 2):
cos_zeta_expr = (
2 * m3**2 * (σ1 - m0**2 - m1**2)
+ (m0**2 + m3**2 - σ3) * (σ2 - m3**2 - m1**2)
) / (
sp.sqrt(Kallen(m0**2, m3**2, σ3))
* sp.sqrt(Kallen(σ2, m3**2, m1**2))
return zeta_symbol, sp.acos(cos_zeta_expr)
if (rotated_state, aligned_subsystem, reference_subsystem) == (3, 1, 3):
cos_zeta_expr = (
2 * m3**2 * (σ2 - m0**2 - m2**2)
+ (m0**2 + m3**2 - σ3) * (σ1 - m3**2 - m2**2)
) / (
sp.sqrt(Kallen(m0**2, m3**2, σ3))
* sp.sqrt(Kallen(σ1, m3**2, m2**2))
return zeta_symbol, sp.acos(cos_zeta_expr)
if (rotated_state, aligned_subsystem, reference_subsystem) in { # Eq (A10)
(1, 2, 3),
(2, 3, 1),
(3, 1, 2),
create_symbols = lambda i: sp.symbols(f"m{i} sigma{i}", nonnegative=True)
mi, σi = create_symbols(rotated_state)
mj, σj = create_symbols(aligned_subsystem)
mk, σk = create_symbols(reference_subsystem)
cos_zeta_expr = (
2 * mi**2 * (mj**2 + mk**2 - σi)
+ (σj - mi**2 - mk**2) * (σk - mi**2 - mj**2)
) / (
sp.sqrt(Kallen(σj, mk**2, mi**2))
* sp.sqrt(Kallen(σk, mi**2, mj**2))
return zeta_symbol, sp.acos(cos_zeta_expr)
if (rotated_state, aligned_subsystem, reference_subsystem) in {
(1, 3, 1),
(2, 1, 2),
(3, 2, 3),
# Eq (A8)
(1, 1, 2),
(2, 2, 3),
(3, 3, 1),
# Eq (A11)
(1, 3, 2),
(2, 1, 3),
(3, 2, 1),
_, zeta = formulate_zeta_angle(
rotated_state, reference_subsystem, aligned_subsystem
return zeta_symbol, -zeta
raise NotImplementedError(
"No expression for"
f" ζ^{rotated_state}_{aligned_subsystem}({reference_subsystem})"